{What Do I Know of Holy}: Finding True Beauty

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I interrupt our regularly scheduled I HATE RELIGION series again, to bring to you another message that I believe all women should hear.

This was posted on my blog  for our {Hope for the Home} series. Enjoy!

I'm Cyndi and I blog at Walking in Grace and Beauty. I'm a 40 something wife and mother and I share tips on fashion, make-up, and beauty, as well as reminders that true beauty begins on the inside with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Do you ever struggle with your outward appearance?

We are inundated with pictures of women in magazines, on television, and on the internet that seem to have the perfect body, the perfect hair and the perfect skin.

Recently, I was reading some scripture verses and 2 Corinthians 3:18 spoke to me loud and clear~~“So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.”

Ladies that verse tells us that if we have the Holy Spirit living in us then we are being transformed to look more and more like Jesus.

That’s amazing and I don’t know about you but I want to look more like Him everyday!

More than having the best makeup or the best eye cream or the perfect hair~~I want to look like Jesus.

I want to see people the way He sees people, I want to love people the way He loves people.

True inner beauty starts with Jesus. 

I love this quote by Ann Voskamp, “What if we wanted to BE beautiful more than we wanted to BUY beautiful?”  Yes! Yes! I want that kind of beautiful.

We can be beautiful not because of all the products we use, or the makeup we put on, or the clothes we wear, but because we have the Holy Spirit living in us and He is shaping us to look like Jesus.

That is true beauty~and God looks at our inner beauty because the beauty displayed by our inner person far outweighs what we look like from the outside.

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