Wow! Have we really already had 50 thrifty link parties? That's awesome!
As you may already know, when I'm not thrifting I'm making jewelry. I wanted some fun ideas from y'all about a thrift theme piece of jewelry. What would you like to see in such a piece? Any fun sayings to include? Lets hear it!
This week I am sharing my teacups/cup and saucer sets. I've been collecting these for probably over a year from various thrift shops and yard sales for one purpose and one purpose only,
teacup bird feeders! We've got a holiday craft sale coming up and I will be selling these. I know some of you collectors are gonna wanna kill me for turning some of these lovely sets into bird feeders but except for my own china set (that I got when I got married) I just don't collect them! I know I seem to collect everything else so why not teacups? I don't know??? They are just so much cuter as a bird feeder to me! :)
Don't they make you want to have a Mad Hatter tea party? lol!
Isn't this one lovely? And black... seems rare, I don't see them too often.
From this... something like this!
So that's what I've been up to lately. How about you?
Check out these features!
Crunchy Diva shares the
killer ebay sale she made on this wall unit from the 60's!
2ndhand Moon shows us this fantastic dining set!
I love it, so cool! Isn't it awesome?
Last but definitely not least is this lovely piece from
The Cottage Market! Now many of you may already know this but
if you're like me and live under a rock then you may not know that The Cottage Market also hosts a thrift theme link-up. Thought you might like to know that if you didn't already!

Linking up at:
Fleamarket Finds M-
Apron Thrift Girl Tu-
Coastal Charm,
Frugal Treasures Tuesday T-
Vintage Thingie Thursday,
Treasure Hunt Thursday,
Blue Eyed Owl,
The Haps F-
The Cottage Market,
The Thrifty Groove,
Vintage Inspiration Friday S-
Penny Worthy Project